
Brew Week

As we don our mittens and hats again as the temperature plummets below zero, this week has been painted blue for more than one reason. Monday, January 16th, was “Blue Monday”. 

Back in 2005, Sky Travel, an old Sky Broadcasting channel, coined the term Blue Monday. Using what they deemed to be complex maths equations, they calculated that the third Monday of January is apparently the saddest day of the year. They based this theory on weather conditions, people reeling from the new year and getting back to work.   

Here at Dina Foods, we don’t think it’s a coincidence that Blue Monday happens to take place on the same day as Brew Monday, and on the same week of National Coffee Break Day (Friday the 20th January).  

What is Brew Monday? 

In light of the emergence of Blue Monday and the prevalence of Seasonal Affective Disorder, the need for a more positive and uplifting event grew vital. Brew Monday is a day dedicated to checking up on your friends or family over a cup of tea or coffee. There’s nothing that a hot drink and a friendly conversation can’t improve! Even though getting someone to feel uplifted isn’t that simple, a kind word and a soothing drink can definitely put a smile on a loved one’s face. 

So why focus on Blue Monday when Brew Monday is more fun and even more delicious? The only way to make a hot drink even more enjoyable is to pair it with a sweet bite to eat. Why always stick to the classic and somewhat boring choice of biscuits? 

Dina Foods’ Baklawa is the perfect alternative if you’re looking to break the mundane routine. It’s sweet, crunchy, and full with nutty flavours! To top it off, Baklawa comes in small, bite-sized pieces so it’s perfect for accompanying a cup of tea or coffee. Dina Foods Baklawa also comes in bespoke flavours, like Truffle Chocolate and coconut that you can’t find anywhere else! 

With that being said, this Friday marks National Coffee Break Day—a refreshing day after a cold, blue week for some. It’s the ideal celebration to allow you to forget Blue Monday and to extend Brew Monday into Brew Week! Why not grab a cup of coffee and a bite of Dina Foods Baklawa with a loved one this Friday in honour of Brew Monday and National Coffee Break Day? 

Just because the holiday season is over, that doesn’t mean that you have to stop treating yourself and loved ones with sweet treats and sweet conversation. 

Grab a box of Dina Foods Baklawa from your local Morrisons, Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys, Amazon Fresh, or Home Bargains!  

Have a break, have a Baklawa!